Monday, December 8, 2008

Never Surrender

This is a simple reminder to those of you who for whatever reason seem to have to eat more than you fair share of shit from those who cannot handle anything outside the little box they make for themselves to never give up! Always be true to yourself. Stick to what you believe in but have the capacity to learn, grow and self reflect.

Evolve and build your skillset. Screw the naysayers and build Brethren, build.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that your logo keywords are : Community, Compassion and Cooperation.

These are the very same keywords proclaimed by Michael Freedman, the former Senior Guardian our Order in back in 1980 as the Watchwords of the New Age.

You can find out more about us at Wiki

if you are interested in joining the Order (Et Custosi Tutelae)
please email me at leonard dot stevens @ rocketmail dot com

additional materials information about our Order can be found at